Precizna poljoprivreda
Agricultural drones with various sensors and cameras are able to capture images of the crop in great detail, giving farmers an opportunity to keep track of the state and the development of the plants.Techspecs of our TYI Poljoprivredni dronoviS visokokvalitetnim kamerama omogućuju provođenje terenskih studija što je važna potreba moderne precizne poljoprivrede.
Praćenje i analiza usjeva
aircraft are fit for agriculture, as they cover large areas of land rapidly and give up-to-date information on crop conditions, soil moisture, and any pests that may be present.Agricultural drones are helpful in changing crop status efficiently, hence farmers can determine the status of irrigation, fertilizers, and pests.
Prskanje i gnojidba
Agriculture use UAVs for spraying operations – pests and herbicides which help to avoid any form of wastage. Our agricultural drones come with spraying systems which are used in apply chemicals in controlled manners ensuring proper coverage with more efficacy.
Prikupljanje podataka i upravljanje njima
Sometimes farming can be data-intensive, mapping software is used to collect a lot of data that will be analyzed to inform better crop yields at low cost. As for the data capturing agriculture drones lqd synergies with new generation soft wares allowing encoraging data processing and capturing which can help a farmer stool their farming advancements.
Ušteda vremena i rada
Applicant drones allow a lot of tasks in modern farming to be accomplished in a more timely and labor-efficient manner.wa agricultural Drones enhances these tasks, allowing farmers to divert their attention to different farm management tasks.
Od farmi do RTK mreža za prikupljanje podataka i od praćenja usjeva do upravljanja farmama, poljoprivredni dronovi u potpunosti su revolucionirali načine povećanja produktivnosti usjeva i niskog utjecaja na okoliš. Napredak u tehnologiji potaknut potrebom da se osigura više načina za poboljšanje proizvodnje usjeva čini poljoprivredne dronove vrijednim ulaganjem za progresivnog poljoprivrednika ili poljoprivredno poduzeće u bliskoj budućnosti.